Know Your Worker’s Rights: Hire An Attorney

worker's rights exemplified by many employees with their hands up in joy

Working in the workforce in America means that you have rights to protect you when certain situations arise. Work is supposed to be a place where you showcase your skills and make a living at the same time. Most of the time this is a positive environment where hard work is done and friendships are cultivated. Other times, situations arise that can leave you without a job or stuck in a rut without a clue what to do. Your rights depend on where you live but the most important thing to remember is that you can hire an attorney if you are worker’s rights issues that need to be cleared up. If you are in El Paso, the Law Office of Perry Piñón can assist you today.

What Issues Are You Facing In The Workplace?

There are various reasons you may need to hire a lawyer for worker’s rights issues. It could range from how many hours you are having to work, to not being properly paid for overtime and holidays. Maybe you aren’t even getting paid the minimum wage of the state you live in. If these are issues you are facing, your rights as a worker will come into play.

Standards have been established by the U.S. Department of Labor for this specific reason, so when they are broken, something must be done. Chances are, you may need legal assistance and representation in this type of situation. Employers are supposed to follow certain guidelines when it comes to their employees. Not paying minimum wage is actually something that happens quite frequently and is why attorneys are hired. If you are not getting paid properly for overtime or holidays, you should definitely also seek legal assistance.

You Shouldn’t Have To Suffer At Your Job

When else should you seek help? If you are under 16 and working long, grueling hours, it is against the law. If you are doing a job that is not suitable for someone under the age of 18 and you are in that age category, it is against the law. These regulations are set in place so that everyone stays safe and healthy. When these rules and regulations are breached, people begin to be put in danger both mentally and physically.

Health conditions and standards must be met if an employer is to continue doing business and paying employees. If any of these things are an issue, you should consider contacting or hiring an attorney to assist you. An employee can be liable for any issues or injuries you face because of the long hours or hazards they pressed upon you. You should not have to suffer at a job just to make a living. 

Call The Law Office Of Perry Piñón Today!

If you are in El Paso and need help when it comes to worker’s rights, The Law Office of Perry Piñón can help you today. Our team knows the importance of having a job and supporting yourself. We also know that you should not have to put yourself in danger just to get a paycheck to support your family. If you would like more information on how we can better represent you, please give us a call today.