The Instances Where Employment Lawyers can Help

a disgruntled employee on the phone contacting employment lawyers

Finding a job can be very difficult. If you’ve found a job but your employer treats you poorly, you shouldn’t stand down. You do not deserve to be treated unfairly by your employer. Employment lawyers are available to help. If you’re in need of legal assistance, the Law Office of Perry Piñón willing to assist you. When you are hired, there is an employment form you fill out. This is a contract between you and your boss. Depending on the kind of job you have, this can entitle you to a certain number of hours, benefits, and treatment. Besides being required to do quality work, the company should provide you with a good workspace. Before you head to a lawyer, you should know what this kind of attorney can do. Then you can decide whether or not they can help you.

What Do Employment Lawyers Do?   

Employment lawyers specialize in issues within the workforce. This can be anything from assault in the workplace to unlawful termination. Assault can mean several different things. The first is sexual assault, which is defined by unwanted sexual activity. This breaks down into different categories as well. The most recognized one is unwanted physical touch. This can be inappropriate touching or even gestures.

The second is verbal assault. This can be unwanted sexual talking, flirting, or bullying. It also extends to hearing sexual talk that is inappropriate to the workplace. Last is suggestive assault. This is when a boss or fellow employee implies that you need to grant sexual favors in order to advance in the workplace. All of these issues, if not resolved within the company, can be a reason for a lawsuit. Unlawful termination, on the other hand, is when your boss fires you without just cause. This does not count for ending contracts or documented warnings.

How Can They Help You?

Depending on your case, employment lawyers can help you get your job back. They can also help get you compensation from the job. This all depends on the details of your case. Some charges put the burden of proof on you, and other put the burden on the employer. For unlawful termination, for example, the employer will have to produce proper documents. For issues of assault, you will have more responsibility. This can be achieved with pictures of messages received or recordings of conversations. Before you take any of these steps, however, consult with a lawyer. They will be able to tell you if you even need such measures.

Choose the Law Office of Perry Piñón 

Getting a job is essential to living a life free of fear. With the way things are currently, it can feel like you have to put up with anything thrown at you. But that is just not true. The Law Office of Perry Piñón has experienced employment lawyers ready to help you out. You have rights as a worker. You have rights as a human being. These rights do not disappear when you get hired. So if you believe you have been treated unfairly at your job, or that you have been fired without cause, seek legal assistance. The Law Office of Perry Piñón is ready to help!